
Science is a fundamental part of our cultural heritage, which has to be studied and preserved. The main focus of this project is the cataloguing and study of the scientific instruments that are preserved in many institutions of Catalonia, Balearic Islands and Valencia, mostly in secondary schools, universities and other scientific institutions. The Commission of Scientific Instruments was created inside the Catalan Society for the History of Science and Technology and aims to coordinate the different work on cataloguing and preservation of instruments.


Science is a fundamental part of our cultural heritage, which has to be studied and preserved. The main focus of this project is the cataloguing and study of the scientific instruments that are preserved in many institutions of Catalonia, Balearic Islands and Valencia, mostly in secondary schools, universities and other scientific institutions.

School textbooks - CEIMES project

Here are the first results of the CEIMES project: the catalogues of manuals from the High Schools Cardenal Cisneros and Isabel la Católica, up to 1936, available at this website: There are links at the bibliographical records for those books that have been digitized at the The Virtual Library of Spanish Bibliographical Heritage (Ministry of Culture).
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