Thesaurus de Instrumentos Científicos em Língua Portuguesa |
jrbsjrbs |
dissabte, març 20, 2010 - 13:08 |
Thesaurus de Instrumentos Científicos em Língua Portuguesa |
jrbsjrbs |
dissabte, març 20, 2010 - 13:07 |
Thing Knowledge: A Philosophy of Scientific Instruments |
jrbsjrbs |
diumenge, juliol 20, 2008 - 13:16 |
Third conference on the history of science in Norway - University history, university collections and university practices - 14-17 October 2010 |
jrbsjrbs |
dimarts, febrer 2, 2010 - 07:37 |
Two Short-term Visiting Research Fellowships 2011-2012 - Science Museum, London (UK) - Deadline: July 1, 2011 |
marcuenca |
dijous, juny 16, 2011 - 00:05 |