Hidden Stories. What do medical objects tell and how can we make them speak?

16th Biennial EAMHMS Conference
Berlin Museum of Medical History at the Charité, Charitéplatz 1, D-10117 Berlin,
13 - 15 September 2012

The Berlin Museum of Medical History at the Charité (BMM) is pleased to announce the forthcoming 16th Conference of the European Association of Museums of the History of Medical Sciences (EAMHMS). The conference will be held from 13 - 15 September 2012 at the BMM and associated venues including the Institute of Anatomy at the Charité and the Museum für Naturkunde. Following the given thematic title "Hidden Stories. What do medical objects tell and how can we make them speak?" the congress will focus on how to deal with objects and collections in the history of science and medicine in respect to research, teaching, and public display.

We kindly invite you to register and join us in Berlin for an inspiring conference dedicated to open and creative discussion.

Due to the restricted seat capacity of our central conference venue, the atmospheric ‘Hörsaalruine' (Lecture Hall Ruin), we strongly recommend that you register as soon as possible (before 31 May 2012). Please note that we are preparing a compilation of extended abstracts with the help of our speakers for pre-circulation so please provide us with your e-mail-address when you register. Please also note that your registration is only valid when we have received the payment of your conference fees.

We are looking forward to meeting with you in Berlin to share thoughts on ideas and issues that sometimes drive us crazy with frustration and delight: medical objects, collections and the stories behind them.

With very best wishes

Thomas Schnalke
(Berlin Museum of Medical History)