Great Exhibitions!
The British Society for the History of Science is pleased to announce a new competition
for public exhibitions that deal with the history of science and/or medicine.

Entries are welcome from institutions in any country and exhibits may be permanent or
temporary. Eligible exhibits must use artefacts or places of some kind and this may include
buildings or locations, pictures, instruments, objects and books. Web-exhibits are
eligible for the prize. The closing date is the 15th September 2010 and exhibits should still be
available for viewing until the end of November 2010. The prize is £300. The winning
exhibit will be the subject of a special feature in the BSHS’s Viewpoint magazine. Entrants
need to fill in a entrance for and this and further details are available from…

Enquries to

Dr Sabine Clarke, Wellcome Trust Research Fellow,
Wellcome Unit for the History of Medicine,
University of Oxford,
45-47 Banbury Road, Oxford OX2 6PE
Tel: 01865 284699