Seminari “La ciència i els seus públics” Els museus de ciència: Col•leccions i públics Divendres, 4 de desembre de 2009 Sala de Vidre (Facultat de Ciències) UAB 10:30h – 11:00h Science versus History of Science? Pedro Ruiz-Castell (CEHIC, UAB) 11:00h – 11:30h Cabinets of Physics and Museums of Science: The role of scholar and public users in shaping organisation and access Marta C. Lourenço (CIUHCT/Museum of Science of the University of Lisbon) 11:30h – 11:45h Break 11:45h – 12:15h From sundials to cigarette cards: what we can learn from the changing nature of the Whipple Museum's collection Josh Nall (Cambridge University/Whipple Museum) 12:15h – 13:00h General discussion