UNIVERSEUM Network Meeting
Toulouse, 11-13 June 2009


The European University Heritage Network UNIVERSEUM announces its 10th
annual meeting, to place from 11 to 13 June 2009 at the Université Paul
Sabatier in Toulouse, France.

UNIVERSEUM invites submissions of papers devoted to university heritage
in its broad sense, tangible and intangible, namely the preservation,
study, access and promotion of university collections, museums,
archives, libraries, and buildings of historical and scientific

Topics of interest will include (but are not restricted to):

- Enhancing and Promoting our Knowledge about European University
Museums, Collections and Archives

Although awareness towards university heritage is increasing, actual
research into university heritage issues - such as distinct nature,
history, partnerships, best practices and roles in contemporary society
- is barely starting. Enhancing our knowledge about these issues is,
however, paramount both to the public visibility of university heritage
in Europe and to its recognition as relevant to contemporary
universities and society in general. Recent research presenting
discussions of these issues, including case-studies and projects from
European universities are welcome.

- Preserving and Documenting Contemporary Science and Humanities in

Preserving and documenting contemporary science poses new challenges for
university museums, archives and others concerned. The amount of
material that can be collected appears endless and tough decisions may
often have to be made. Objects from contemporary science can often not
be put on the shelf like material from earlier periods. Digital
documentation is taking over paper files. What and how should we select
and document objects and histories of contemporary science? How can we
mobilise research and teaching contemporary heritage and present it in
exhibitions and other outreach activities?

- European Projects to Study and Increase Access to University Heritage

In the 21st century, as higher education systems tend to converge in
terms of degrees, funding, management and strategies, the preservation
of and access to university heritage will increasingly become an issue
at European levels. This interest has already been suggested by the
Recommendation of the Council of Europe on University Heritage (2005).
What is the impact of this European interest on university heritage?
How can we raise awareness of European institutions towards university
heritage, its study and access? What are the opportunities to develop
projects at an European level today?

Please send proposals of no more than 200 words to the email address
below before 31 March 2009. Include a short biography highlighting main
research interests (no more than 50 words).

Presentations are limited to 30 minutes, including 10 minutes for

Language: English

Proposals will be reviewed by the Programme Committee. Participants will
be notified by 15 April.

UNIVERSEUM vividly encourages the submission of abstracts from doctoral

Abstracts and more info:
Catherine Gadon, Université Paul Sabatier

Universeum - the European University Heritage Network
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Roland Wittje
History of Science Unit
University of Regensburg
D-93040 Regensburg